That time of the year

Grocery trip

Sunny morning

Warm breezes hinted


Walking towards the entrance

Ribs were being grilled

Aromas wafted

Two guys cooking, chatting, laughing

Couldn’t have been more than 100 feet away

Suddenly attention shifted

Off to my left, their right

As if a spotlight

Heralded her entrance

A moment of beauty

Okay, an eternity of beauty

Tattoo on left forearm

White blouse, ocean blue shorts

Hair to her shoulders

As she approached the cooking

Smiled broadly and said

‘Good Morning guys, how are you this morning?’

No words from any of us

We had been spoken to

Couldn’t have wished for anymore

The hint of perfection had spoken

Heads now tuned

To follow her entrance into the store

Smiles all around

But the truth be told

Gratitude Is in our hearts

Thank you for being

All of you

Yes, I’m talking about

All of you!

FXC 5/8/19


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