First caught a glimpse of a spin class
On TV of course some show for just a minute
Usually just very fit people
Had to stop by the fitness club yesterday
Wanted to use the recumbent cycle
Thirty or forty minutes
Before I started my ‘workout’
I glanced in on the ‘spin class’
When from behind I heard
‘Hey, I thought you just walked around the neighborhood
I turned to see, of course, a young woman
Who I actually recognized but of course I did not remember her name
I replied, ‘True, true just thought I use the recumbent bike for a bit’
She responded, ‘ I really like to spin, you know the spin class’
Her efforts were obvious
Hair, water matting the ends
Sweat on her forehead which she wiped with her white towel
Flushed cheeks from exertion
Streamlined thighs
Feebly I explained the recumbent bike allowed me to go at my own pace
She said, ‘I need someone to make me try harder’
It was time for me to retire to my controlled exercise
Clearly there was a gap here in what we were both trying to achieve
Definitely I was trying to make it to dinner
While she understood she was going to help make dinner
Do the kids homework, etc. and come back tomorrow
To the spin class