Scottish plaid pajama bottoms

Scottish plaid pajama bottoms

Just had to have them as they flashed across Kohl’s advertisement

Never really was a pajamas, man

Mostly slept with sweatpants.

But this was too much so reminiscing of the Cameron plaid

A lot  of red, some green, some blue

My purchasing agent from Kohl’s quickly obtained it for me

Wearing pajamas became so exciting

Alas my displ,erasures with taking  something downstairs to wash and dry and bring back up

For stalled the effort to maintain a sweet smelling bedroom

And so it happened one night, preparing precious sleep

Reaching under my pillow, aghast,  the pajama bottoms were gone


Didnt’t notice the sheets had been changed

I’m not too bright, but I did become suspicious that an individual

Had decided to wash my pajamas with the sheets

How dare an arbitrary insider

Make jaundiced decisions about what is clean

I already knew that if I sat and ate at a particular spot at the kitchen table

That as I arose from my seat, a cleaning rag with sanitizer   would be approaching

As if to get an ‘A’ rating for our house

The kitchen each night is impeccable absolutely impeccable

You couldn’t catch a germ in my kitchen if you paid for it

My conclusion about what happened to my pajamas, was true

They were in the wash with the sheets

In my mins an arbitrary  decision was made about the freshness of my Scottish plaid pajama bottoms

Of course, I discovered this this as I prepared for bed

And I’m not really quite that bright

it took me till the next morning with a cup of coffee in my hand

That  I was able to conclude that not only had the sheets been washed

But  my precious pajamas had been tossed in the washer with them

So now a conundrum,  I could speak up about the injustice of someone arbitrarily

Deciding when my pajamas were dirty

But then I remembered I got clean sheets and an exquisite companion out of the deal

I’ll save my thoughts for another time. OK.


Copyright 08/24/2024