So an allowance might have been nice
Possibly would have learned
The correlation between labor and wages
Or at least ‘if we do this we get that’
Much easier now
To reflect on how a life
Might have evolved differently
If we had raised ourselves
To produce a more desirable outcome
An outcome with a more love able person
Thus the behavior self portrait continues
Have a good close friend who is an artist
Am able to watch as
Hues and tones added
To soften the image
Bright or dark colors seem to blend
With his vision
Now our own self portrait continues
Proper money management lessons
Might have produced a savings account
Lights and darks to indicate
Profit and loss
Curves and lines
Defining borders of financial success
No sagging facial crevices
To blur the now beautiful image
Of a life well regulated
There does come a time
When blaming nature and nurture must cease
But what is our template?
When is our self portrait complete
Is it ever?
Why is money even a fit subject for self image?
It is like another ink blot
Describing us
Another drawer of our life
Which when opened
Reveals reams of dreams
Money when inherited or earned
Puts a brush in our hand
For us to create a visual
An ever evolving image of
Our own house money
And where has it all gone and why