Don’t quite get it
How did we all come to get raised
A million different ways I think
We all watched behaviors of other families
Some were praised by our parents
Some castigated
Most of our parents observations of others
Pointed the way for us to follow
But there never has been a pass fail system
For being a child or a parent
Or for that matter a member of this society
Yet all that being as it is
The question on the table today
Is there a college degree for marriage
Haven’t seen one yet
50% of marriages end in divorce
Many, many are not even bothering
To take the plunge these days
The learning curve is incredibly steep in marriage
Oh, sure usually the first few years are filled
With Wanderlust or just lust
Of course that is presuming that
Cohabitation didn’t occur before the marriage
But then children might enter the picture and jobs
Now never did see a class on handling that
No book smarts to guide
And then cataclysmically
Children, jobs all vaporize
You are now staring
At a selfie and your loved one
That’s what I’m talking about
Now what do you do
You are unleashed to pursue dreams
Some of which you didn’t even know you had
Are both spouses on board
Sometimes not
Potentially a whole new educational field
A college degree of finishing the deal
Might be alone on this one
Really shouldn’t be
After fifty years should have seen this coming
Have to presume I’ll get tutored
As I did for my first degree
BS in “Surviving”
FXC 8/8/19