A deep breath

A deep breath

The ‘Chock full of nuts coffee’ is made

My morning companion, Darcy’, is fed

Paid my early visit to the lavatory

Plugged in all my chargers

So all my Bluetooth and wi-if connections

Will update my health status

After a night’s sleep with my sleep apnea machine

Maybe put  a load of wash on

Check my email because that is really the only mail I get

Run through the regular news sources, NYT, WP, Facebook, Apple & Google news

Then finally a deep breath again

To quiet the nerve endings

That are rising to the top of my brain

So that maybe just maybe anxiety will not overwhelm me

My therapist assures me that I am my own worst enemy

That I thrust myself into everyone’s else problems with my own solutions

Which unfortunately fries all my mental circuits and some physical ones

Again more deep breathes

There is a school of thought that this deep breathing exercise

Should be repeated many times a day!

8/3/2024 Copyright frankxcameron.com              Frankxcameron@iglou.com