The awful truth is that this existence is limited
Never wanted to concede that point in the debate
Especially this early in the game
It’s still early, right?
However now that the line in the sand has been crossed
Looking for a soft landing
Don’t know if there really is one
Some options have already been discarded
Stopped drinking, smoking to reduce those causes
Granted since no one exits at a predetermined time or method
Multiple complications crop up
One which was simply terrifying
Was the swab test for the coronavirus
Wore the mask, avoided contact with others
Online shopping became a routine
Yet, yet a procedure that had been delayed
Now had been moved to the front of the line
Thus the red flag of the swab test now flew brazenly in my face
Had already heard descriptions
None indicating a walk in the park
And since the test was given in a parking lot
While in one’s car by a nurse garbed as if traveling far from here
Was really unnerved as if this was my first shot
Knew already some had to administer the test to themselves
That would be my last choice
So the moment was now, the nurse holding what looked like a twelve inch skewer
Hardly noticed at first but quickly became quite aware of a
Very foreign object being inserted where it should
Never have been inserted
Then my Academy Award effort began
As groaning and tears added to complete degradation
Of what had once been a very proud man
Of course could not really look at the nurse now
Embarrassment was the least of my worries
As I hurriedly rushed to use the sanitary clothes
To clean my face
My prize?
Negative test
FXC 5/31/2020