Guest Room

A guest room, an extravagance
While the children are with you
But once they are gone
The room becomes a symbol
Of elbow room and the ability to host
Family or friends
Or so I have heard even a Mother-in-Law
There was a time it was used as a bedroom
Later maybe a man cave
But a man cave doesn’t fit into the image
Of the freedom that a Guest Room does
And so it was created
Painted, newly furnished
Spotless, no dog allowed of course
But then the TV in the master bedroom
Was too loud, played too late at night
Channels that had no meaning for a man
Asleep by 9.
Yes, yes, eventually the temptation of the
Guest Room became too much.
Ah the quiet, the comfort of more room
The Guest Room,
Still in the middle of the night
When all the lights had been turned off
The master bedroom with the allure of
Femininity would like a magnet
Draw me back, back to softness and warmth
That I by myself could not know in
The Guest Room

FXC 3/22/16

Such A Short Time

Such A Short Time

This time we’ve had
I thought it would be for much longer
Visions of long conversations
Lingering touches
We’ve certainly known passion
But the sweetness of this time
I have always craved this time alone with
I knew we could not last like this
The flame so bright, so hot
But oh, how I basked in your warmth
Needed to just wander down memory lane
Remembering our youth
The joys, the sorrows
I thought this time would last so long
So many conversations we had but
I wanted more, more of you
This moment you needed
To heal
But as a butterfly
Emerging from her chrysalis
You came forth
And almost in mid thought
I could see your mind racing
To another
To a grandchild unseen for too long
To a dress that just needs to be finished
To a church calling to help save souls
To a yard yearning to be molded
I’ve always known you were mine to share
I’ve reveled in your beauty, your joy,
Your seeming endless energy for life
For giving of yourself
I accept that I have been selfish
That I wanted you all to myself
I’ve known, I really have
That it is only in letting you be free
To love
That your rainbow
Colors my world
This time alone with you
Had to be finite
Butterflies need to fly away
I know that now
Bittersweet this moment
I love you!

FXC 11/14/15

6 year anniversary


Happy Anniversary! Unfortunately I bring to our marriage today no more than I bought six years ago. I’m sorry about that. Someday I hope to be able too offer you more. You’ve been so patient.
Somehow it seems we always have hope and each other. The children enrich our marriage but only if we are together ourselves and receptive to our blessings.
This little note could be filled with your virtues but you do not believe me anyway when I tell you about them. But instead let me tell you what the girls and I have now that we would not have had we not met you.
You’ve been so gentle with us. You’ve softly answered our questions and more.

Your warm body with sleepy eyes
Has accepted us into your bed with
Welcome abandon, hugging
Our day begins securely with
The knowledge of our return
To our solace
WE have grown from your rays
We have life from your rain
We have hope from your faith
To list the times and places
Memories, memories
That you have given to us
We recognize and responds to you
Only you, only you
So much Julie to know
Sixty more years so!

I do want to comment on our poverty. We will have all we want, Ergo, why worry about what we don’t have. I have the three things that money could never touch, J.K.E.

Thank you


FXC 9/13/75

Tom’s Eulogy

In the multi-colored coat of my life

You were my fabric

So often I would see or hear you laugh

And know that all was right in the world

Always taken for granted

Because you placed yourself last.

You knew only to care and to give

Never tro ask

Already I hear by phone and by note

Of your unending joy

That you share with all

Oh Tom, Tom I miss you so

You and I always said I love you

When the conversation ended

But I am still talking to you

Do you hear?

That is where my faith lies

You always hear

I know you do now

You have not gone far

I have kept you in my heart

Your work here contiues

In we who you have blessed

Bring us this day the joy you now know

Bring us this day the vision you now see

Finally, Tom my dear brother

Reveal to us your peace

March 2005



Oak trees shed an average of five thousand acorns a year
So I’m told by Google or a source from Google
So it has a pretty good chance of being believable
I have two oak trees on my property
One in the back and one in the front
On our quarter acre lot
Ten thousand acorns a year
The oak trees were planted in 1961
It is 2015
Fifty four years of dropping acorns
Five hundred and forty thousand acorns
Now we have only lived in this house seven years
So technically we can only be held accountable for seventy thousand
So what is to be done with these acorns
Not too many options
Well we could take the trees down and excavate the yard to remove them
We could put cloth under the trees to catch the acorns
but of course that would only catch the current dropping acorns
We could bring in as many squirrels as we could
Ands we have done that
We could get down on our hands and knees and try to dig them up
One by one or rake them up as fast as we can
This seems to be a trick of Mother Nature
Enough acorns are dropping to ensure that no one could
Dig up all the acorns
Ensuring that oak trees would live forever
But we are not going to live forever
Some day we might be right next to all those acorns
You don’t think they wold talk to us
Do ya?
I can just hear them saying
‘I told you, that you were wasting your time
That soon enough you would be right down here with us’
Mother Nature takes care of us
Why don’t you let her take care of you
Grab your coffee and sit on that olds red bench
With your wife
Why don’t you two
Talk about the weather and all
Those damm acorns falling
Talk about the wonderful life you had
An still have
Talk about how bad the approaching winter might be
We have been here a long time
You all don’t have quite that long
Talk now
While you have someone to listen

FXC 10/19/2015


The timeline of my life is not prosaic as much as a history of the union of Julie and Frank Cameron.

I saw Julie for the first time around 1 July of 1967. I was on my way back to the  seminary and Julie was working as a waitress at Parkers restaurant. We were not introduced. But I do remember her. She was my sister Peg’s best friend. Well I did not stay long in the seminary. And was home by October 67. My sister Peg organized a group of friends to go to see Man of LaMantia in downtown Chicago.  She asked me to go along. I did. Julie was in that group.We had a great time.  My mom and dad took the whole family to Florida that Christmas. While there for some unknown reason I sent Julie a postcard. A simple little postcard. That said wish you were here. Julie was visiting my sister Peg around 1 January 1968. I came in to  the house and Julie said I got your postcard. I simply said oh good. But in my extremely immature mind I had already fallen for that young lady. And nothing would ever change that.

We began dating January 13 1968 and were married September 13 1969. My father passed away 3 months before we got married.  The support of my Mother and Julie’s parents gave us a great base of support.  Katie was born in April of ’70. Emily was born in February of ’72.  I was not one to be fascinated by a particular career.  I was just happy to be with Julie and my little ones. I had a job which put food on the table and provided good insurance. In March of ’73 we transferred  to Louisville KY Julie’s hometown. We knew it would be an easier place to raise our children.

Katie was our first child and we were slow to understand that she was mentally challenged.  Emily quickly showed us what normal development should look like.  For all intents and purposes Emily was our eldest child and was Katie’s big sister.

We bought our first house in 1974 but quickly outgrew it as Devin was born in 1976. Emily started at St Martha. Katie was at the Ursuline Learning Center. We felt though that though we could afford the school for Katie there were many others who could not.  We enrolled Katie in public schools and spent our money hiring a lawyer to ensure she obtained the education she was entitled to.

Julie started teaching in 1978. I started coaching soccer at St Martha in ’76.  Great times.  I was able to coach all of my children starting with Emily, poor thing. Emily graduated from St. Martha and went to Sacred Heart High School.  Always very proud of Emily.  She joined the Army with an eye on educational benefits. She moved out on her own in 1991.

Tom was born in’84 and yes, sure enough we had to move to a bigger house. But all good. It had a great little tree fort for Tom.

Julie and I were active members of what was the Council for Retarded Citizens, now, the ARC. As such we sponsored a couple who were mentally challenged and were able to learn first hand the obstacles that they faced.

In 1991 Katie finished high school and started working at Taco Bell.  She is due at work at 11 but she is dressed and ready to go by 8.  She loves it.  She normally comes home on week-ends.

At the end of 1992 Devin attempted suicide due to a failed relationship.  He survived but was left partially paralyzed. We were running out of insurance and he was still in a coma.  We built an accessible home to care for him.  Blessedly he improved dramatically with all his humor and intelligence intact.  WE had gone from a $61,000 mortgage to a $183,000 mortgage but the Lord carried us with the help of our family and friends.

As Devin improved Julie came across a small accessible home within a mile of us.  We both thought that Devin and Katie could live there.  Our thought was that in time the house would be paid for and their disability benefits would provide the income necessary for them to live.

Well the theory would prove to have real value but the financial expense was too much and we had to sell the beautiful accessible home that we had built and move to a smaller house.

Our struggles though were rewarded ten fold when Katie moved in to a supported residential setting with ‘Dreams With Wings’ and Devin married Abie Agbinovia in 2007.

During all of this we tried to maintain some type of normalcy for our other children.  Emily was already on her own but still we were not able to spend the time with her that we would have liked. When Emily married Vince and they began to have children were still working.  We could not baby sit their children like we would have liked to.  We also tried to be with Tom but children know. he knew he was always in the background.

But Julie and I were trying to accomplish two things. 1. Provide the best possible outcome for Katie and Devin, 2. and position Katie and Devin so that they would not be a possible burdens Emily and Tom.  That was what we were trying to do.  We had a lot of help along the way.

We have set up an insurance funded trust fund for Katie that along with her Social Security will enable her to live independently with ‘Dreams With Wing’s. Abie has ensured Devin and Osa’s future similarly.

My psychologist has assured me that Julie and I must relax now and take care care of ourselves.  Our children are well taken care of.  After so many worrisome years it is good to kick back.

Finally our observations one life shaped our decisions. All of you who are reading this know  that what I am about to say is unfortunately very true but also somewhat follow the natural law.

The disabled, the minorities are viewed differently than the able bodied and the white people.  There is no getting around it.  Julie and I tried to help our children be involved in normal experiences as much as possible.  They also wanted to be involved in the mix of life.  At the same time, we knew that at some point our children would need to learn how to do this on their own.  They have.


Funny I forgot

What I used to be able to do

Biking, running, lifting

People look at me and I know

They see a slow moving

Shuffling old man

Gingerly trying to

Reach down and pick up

What he has dropped

That is just me now

Any day now my muscles will start working again

My joints will loosen up

I might not spring into action

But maybe there will be a


Of my old self

I’m not sure how this all happened

But here I am today

I’d like to have a day without constraints

On my legs

Without pain splashing me like a brush

But the upside is

That I can only focus on taking

Care of myself

Others used looked to me for care

Now all I can do

Is watch my step.

FXC  9/5/15



I never really thought about independence until I started leaning on others

Maybe when I first had a pain I couldn’t explain

Or the limp that wouldn’t quit

Maybe then I wondered

Or had the first inkling

But worry about indepdnece at 20

Or 40

Maybe by 60 or so

I did realize early on that I needed to be independent

From my parents

But then I jumped into your arms

And thought nothing of how interdependent we were

Nor did I ponder our relationships with those in our church

Or even the many times we shared with parents of children’s friends

Even our own families were in our cucoon of trust and need

I am beginning to understand that independence

Is the ability to find ourselves enjoying life as we know it.

FXC 7/15/15

Please, please just leave it alone

Early on I did not notice

The need to clean

Always and everything

Dishes washed before putting them into the dishwasher

Stains removed in clothes before washing

A face washed at night and then cleansing cream applied

Oh yes, yes, we could not survive without cleaning

But couldn’t you please

Leave my coffee cup alone without

Putting cleansing powder in it to soak.

No matter died of coffee stain

FXC 5/29/15