69, Seriously

Never know it, to look at you

Sure you have children

With treated hair

But 69

Not possible

I’m 69 and creaking

Your face hasn’t changed

In my memory

I call Julie and the same wistful smile

The same demure eyes look in my direction

Always assuring of your love

Forget the past 50 years

Too much time has gone to remember

Only this moment

This embrace

Holding you and never letting go

17 when I met you

Our grandparents weren’t even the age we are now

Too much to comprehend

We know now how much life doesn’t make sense

And yet when I hold you

On your birthday

So tightly

It is perfectly clear

We are such a matched set

I love you Julie Becker

FXC 5/19/19


Hip Flexor

Tell me you are 25

And know what a hip flexor is

That would reveal that you

Are a medical student

That was about the age

Of the medical professional

Treating me for hip flexor issues

Didn’t even know I had hip flexors

Or what they were for

Until twenty years without riding a bike

Decided to get back on my Fuji Touring bike

A model of efficiency and beauty

Standing next to the bike in shorts stretched full

Gave the order to my right leg to lift over the bar

Nothing moved

As if the signal was never sent

The connection lost

That is impossible

Finally was reduced to laying the bike down

To straddle and pull the bike up

Well now the confidence was gone

If the leg would not rise over the bike

Doubts arose as to the legs pumping the bike

Scanning the area behind the garage

To make sure no one had seen this lunacy

Laid the bike down again to get off

Very unceremoniously

Back in the garage with the bike

Now the search to discover

The possible ailment

Had one trusted discretionary source

My second daughter

A vegetarian and certified health nut

Needless to say I had my diagnosis

And enough yoga poses to last a lifetime

Am I back on the bike yet

Not quite but I have hope

As my condition confirmed by my

25 year old medical professional

Oh yeah

Your hip flexor

Runs from your lower back

To your femur

Something like that

FXC 5/18/19


Five days

Often times when left to my own devices

It is true, relaxation begins

Maybe small explorations

Into projects that

Needed more time

Or even forage for new ideas

But now with five days

To myself

Okay mostly myself

A sense of freedom tingles the imagination

And as usual it begins with morning coffee

Laying out my days schedule

Full of delayed gratification

And though I was left a Honey Do list

Like cutting grass or mopping the floors

There is even the possibility

Of a visit to Home Depot

For flowers for the season

But that thought alone

Freezes me

As then quite clearly

Inner voices speak up

Daffodils or pansies

Annuals or perennials

I’m just dropping that whole idea then

The Honey Do list is laid aside

Going to go on to something else

Maybe I could help with one of the grandkids

That’s pretty funny

Considering I’m like their 2nd, 3rd or 4th choice

Next possibility

Look up where the yard sales for next weekend are

That’s always a hot date

Depending on the weather

Or maybe I should

Just write this all down

Acquiesce to my inherited

Role as the number 2 executive

Maybe even just turn the calendar pages

Or at least change the sheets on Day 4

That’s worth two points

FXC 5/13/19


Life Long Friend

Not happy today

Known you since we were ten

Many playful years

Maturing when we could

Your life became so meaningful

Influenced so many

Endless facets to your talents

Yet humble

Not sure how we will endure

As you begin your new journey

Suffice it to say

I will always love you!

FXC 5/10/19



Should have left you long ago

Years ago

The first time you looked away when I was talking to you

As you noticed a new sweet young thing

Or when you quashed an idea I had

Dominating me

Why has it taken so long

For me to understand

I was a trinket

On your walk through life

Yes, yes ultimately

I was afraid

Afraid of you

And not sure enough of myself

To break free

Until now as I realize

My need for you

Leaves me ashamed

Eclipses my very existence

So very late

To be reborn

FXC 5/09/19


What’s on your side of the bed?

The length of a relationship

Can often be determined

By the peripheral objects

On ones’ side of the bed

There might be a lamp

On a nightstand for reading

A pencil and paper for puzzles

Possibly a channel changer

As seniority increases

There might be a heating pad

Or even a vibrator for aching muscles

Maybe even ear plugs

Or eye shades

When sleeping patterns don’t match

But hopefully

The guest room

Is not the final option

FXC 5/8/19


That time of the year

Grocery trip

Sunny morning

Warm breezes hinted


Walking towards the entrance

Ribs were being grilled

Aromas wafted

Two guys cooking, chatting, laughing

Couldn’t have been more than 100 feet away

Suddenly attention shifted

Off to my left, their right

As if a spotlight

Heralded her entrance

A moment of beauty

Okay, an eternity of beauty

Tattoo on left forearm

White blouse, ocean blue shorts

Hair to her shoulders

As she approached the cooking

Smiled broadly and said

‘Good Morning guys, how are you this morning?’

No words from any of us

We had been spoken to

Couldn’t have wished for anymore

The hint of perfection had spoken

Heads now tuned

To follow her entrance into the store

Smiles all around

But the truth be told

Gratitude Is in our hearts

Thank you for being

All of you

Yes, I’m talking about

All of you!

FXC 5/8/19


No Safety Net

Went to a Derby Eve party last night

Didn’t start till 8

Don’t drink

So the horderves

Were critical

Didn’t disappoint

Shrimp in deviled eggs?

Don’t know about that

Bruschetta is my favorite

Brought a friend along

Who nails that every time

Then the evenings’ success

Hinges on gingerly

Locating a palatable conversation

From among the endless guest list

Of friends some yet to be met

Others familiar with

Others you wish you could remember their name

Avoid those if possible

As has been done for years

At this same annual party

But the main attraction

Occurs randomly

A woman, it has to be a woman

Never really saw a man do this

Unless drinking or a salesman

Only a woman with the innate

Need to belong

Circles, scanning

Looking for a friend

A group of friends

In which to enmesh

Herself in conversation

May get lucky

And happen upon a friend

Or friends already known

But as might happen

Will need to search for a group

Starts on the edge of the group

Leans in to listen

Smiles and nods appropriately

Will agree with a comment or two

When she has been granted acceptance

Will join the group with her own thoughts

Now nodding and smiling is returned

This is as good as it gets

They are now bonded

How do they do that?

Men see a precipice

From which all their social acceptance

Would plunge into oblivion

Why even attempt to engage

With someone you might not know nor remember

And even more might not see for another year

Men see no safety net

Just stand to the side

On the outside of the group

Play with your food plate

Or fumble with your drink

Need to get really good at nodding

Don’t look at the your watch

And remember

See if there is someone

Anyone to provide

A safety net

FXC 5/4/19


Am I Related To You?

Well, here we are again

The renewal date for

My ancestry searching program

Oh and it seems like so much

And in a way it is

Takes time

Doesn’t seem to be really getting anywhere

Seems like my relatives

Don’t care as much as I do

Some of whom I question

If I am actually related to

Which brings up a good point

Do I really want to know

Who my flesh and blood are?

There are so many criteria

To be used if you are making

Your own relative database

Tall, medium build, head of hair

Humorous, intelligent

Same religious beliefs,

Same political beliefs,

Someone like me

But the roll of the dice

Robs you of that surety

Go to church, political convention

Neighborhood gathering

Or worse yet start researching

Your ancestry

Some individuals are

Pillars of the community

Others tear down those pillars

And nowhere can you really discover

Family secrets unless revealed

At a family reunion

But then the reunion ends

Traveling home a discussion ensues

Did you know about ____?

Now images dance in your head

What else don’t you know

About even your close relatives


Political elections ensure

Shock and dismay

At how different beliefs are

Even with your closest relatives

But maybe even more so

With your close friends

There is a widening circle

Of protection

That needs to be a perimeter

Around you

Less unwanted traits

Appear, leaked from family or friends

Who might be family

And finally


You have to ask

Am I Related To You?

FXC 5/2/19
