Went to a Derby Eve party last night
Didn’t start till 8
Don’t drink
So the horderves
Were critical
Didn’t disappoint
Shrimp in deviled eggs?
Don’t know about that
Bruschetta is my favorite
Brought a friend along
Who nails that every time
Then the evenings’ success
Hinges on gingerly
Locating a palatable conversation
From among the endless guest list
Of friends some yet to be met
Others familiar with
Others you wish you could remember their name
Avoid those if possible
As has been done for years
At this same annual party
But the main attraction
Occurs randomly
A woman, it has to be a woman
Never really saw a man do this
Unless drinking or a salesman
Only a woman with the innate
Need to belong
Circles, scanning
Looking for a friend
A group of friends
In which to enmesh
Herself in conversation
May get lucky
And happen upon a friend
Or friends already known
But as might happen
Will need to search for a group
Starts on the edge of the group
Leans in to listen
Smiles and nods appropriately
Will agree with a comment or two
When she has been granted acceptance
Will join the group with her own thoughts
Now nodding and smiling is returned
This is as good as it gets
They are now bonded
How do they do that?
Men see a precipice
From which all their social acceptance
Would plunge into oblivion
Why even attempt to engage
With someone you might not know nor remember
And even more might not see for another year
Men see no safety net
Just stand to the side
On the outside of the group
Play with your food plate
Or fumble with your drink
Need to get really good at nodding
Don’t look at the your watch
And remember
See if there is someone
Anyone to provide
A safety net
FXC 5/4/19