Don’t know when
Closets became an issue to me
Specifically our closet
Didn’t seem to complicated
To merge yours with mine
In one closet
Neither seemed to be clothes hogs
So I don’t know when
There seemed to be less space
For my clothes
There I’ve said it
So ignorant
Maybe when we got a place
With two closets
One beckoned to be filled
I don’t think so
Just another area bereft of thought
For me
How could I not notice
That gradually I was seeking
Niches here
Niches there
Man caves weren’t in vogue yet
‘Place of my own’ maybe?
Your clothes always seemed
To take precedent
They were more tasteful
Mine were to cover flaws
And you know once
Out of the closet
I was never going to get back in
So this is it
Not till years later
Overhearing a conversation
Between women of course
I heard the term, ‘his closet’
What? What?
There should be a book for men
A primer as it were
There is no GPS for marriage
But men need direction
And you know that
I’m just saying
FXC 3/2019