Thinking back to 1776

Actually 1492 or 1650 would do

Any number of older white men could tell you

That it was important to make a strong America a United States of America

So many had come from so far to procure religious, political, and financial independence

This is America, created by taking it from the Indians

The land worked by those enslaved

A devastating Civil War

And yet just as it has always been

So today these same goals are America‘s capitalism goals

No power on earth or within can’t stop us from achieving our goals

Though we are a nation of immigrants we resent and resist any more immigrants from coming into America

Women got the right to vote in 1919 but will always fight for equal rights

Persons of color no matter how “American” they are have always been discredited

These issues were true during the founding of America and are still bubbling in our political life today

Don’t really have any hope for change

50% on each side of the question

Let’s just pray!!

FXC 11/10/2020 Copyright