Oh my
Need to tell you
For so long
Too long
Had difficulty hearing what you said
Lip reading was becoming
A poorly learned skill of mine
Reacting to other people’s faces
My main method for understanding
What was said
No one needed to use hushed tones
Around me
As my befuddled face
Spoke of my ignorance
Grocery clerks would speak to me
Then turn to my wife
So clear their poignant observation
My children would just talk louder and slower
Grandchildren are always loud
So actually I was good there
What! My world has come back
Yes, yes
First of course the birds chirping while I walk
My own footsteps on carpet or wood
The microwave when turned on
The humming of the refrigerator
Water running
Felt like ‘Helen Keller’ bless her soul
So many times while laying close to you
Needed to get up on my elbow
To watch your lips
As you tried to talk to me
Repeating something for the hundredth time
Still not perfect but now I have no excuse
For not hearing you
There is a downside
At night they have to be taken out
The sensation is like being submerged in water
So muffled
Everything becomes so muffled
Till the next morning
Now putting the hearing aids in
Completes my morning routine