It’s only now

It’s only now

A great piece has come over me

I understand quite clearly now

That I will not be able to change everything in this world

However  there are a few items on what I guess is my bucket list

Onw is developing home repair skills,fixing things around the house skills

For a long time, I blamed the way I was raised.

My poor father, I laid it all at his feet

It’s clear now that I am quick capable of using a screwdriver

I don’t know what else I might be able to, but I do understand that I certainly can develop

It is on my terms however, I can only proceed slowly and when I understand what I have to accomplish

It is quite natural that I will periodically refer to my advisor. My home advisor help

However, I believe she has become somewhat burned out. I’m being my big-time assistant

It’s not like I need any new jobs, careers, interest, everything I have needed to do before is still here

Actually, my writing this is an indication of how I have been lagging in some of the things I enjoy doing

Writing is one of them

For a long time now, I have been silent muffled by my own lethargy

Quite clearly, my little scribbling of really been just me talking to myself

I suppose that was their main persona

So I will come back again, gladly

To speak to the one fellow who needs to continue this Journey! Copyright 714 2024