In 1970 E.V. Holland lived at 619 6th Street Wilmette Illinois
She was a thin older woman who sat in front of her picture window
Painting with water colors, her wisps of grey hair curing into ear eyes
Gnarled fingers seemingly immobile presented visual moments of her early years
As her mailman oftentimes I had occasion to study her work
She presented me with two of her paintings which to this day hang in my home
Now that I’m older I realize how old E.V. Holland must have been
I also realize the sheer effort she had to have made to paint every day in pain
She wrote the name of her hometown on the back of one of her gifts to me
My memory occasionally will flicker every now and then
Names and places sometimes escape me
But for all time I know what Edgeerton Wisconsin looks like
Thank you E.V. Holland
FXC Copyright 05/21/2022