Digitized Memory

So my memory has been tracking downward

Since whatever happened happened

Visits to the grocery store must be with blinders on

As inevitably an energetic old friend will notice me

And insist on a ‘how are you conversation’

It would be fine if I really knew who they were

Rather than a snapshot of someone familiar

But not familiar enough to remember

So a possible home remedy to fading memory

Digitized memory

Scan hundreds and hundreds

Okay thousands of old family and friend pictures

Label them

Don’t know if while in the grocery

I could pull out my phone to scan the chatty friend

To determine who they were


A method does exist to prop me up in social settings

However two miscalculations occur here

The first is labeling all the digitized photos

Maybe if I had one child and they had one spouse and one child

This would be a doable project

But four children with spouses and then grandchildren


And do you realize how some of your own children and grandchildren

Look alike at various points of their existence

Right off the top then have to refer to my in house Wikipedia live in friend

To fill in the multiple blanks of digitized photo recognition

Needless to say this would really help

Does it help when a familiar face starts off a conversation with,

“Do you remember when,?”

Maybe there is a digitized audio memory app

But at least I can hit the grocery store again

FXC 8/17/19


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