The Queen of Cirque due Soleil

300 miles away

Heard of your acrobatic display

Reaching, reaching

On tippy toes

Over overflowing gutters

For leaves

From a bygone winter

While using a long rested ladder

No recorded evidence

Of this feat

Cell phone cameras all around

But not for this remarkable


By an individual not far removed

From my years

I envy you as my children

Have removed all my ladders

Hope this note

Does not alert yours

And your days of senior aerobics

Come crashing to an end

Before you do

FXC 4/25/19


This Day

Life events

Change one’s direction continually

Births, deaths,

Annotated by birthdays, graduations, marriages, divorces

The playing cards we our all dealt

Seem to have been distributed so haphazardly

You and I are no exception

“In good times and bad, in sickness and health”

Has always applied

Those times and days will not end till we do

But today we again contemplate


Too many times we have listened as loved ones

In their waning moments have spoken

Of ones they have missed and miss

And now we miss them

It has to be today my sweet love

That we make our lives

As we want them to be

That we commit to each other

As we did so many years ago

Let’s not let another day go by

We might regret

Let This Day be Our Day

FXC 6/23/19


The Longest Day

So today Sunday June 23rd

Is the longest day

4:30 AM eyelids opened

At least inside my head

Then realized my day has started

Just the way it is

Delicious hot coffee

No one interrupting my thoughts

Seemingly endless time

To over plan the day

With activities that can’t possibly be completed

Or afforded

Have no desire to share this time

Know of people

Actually in close proximity

Whose longest day does not start till 10

At least that is AM

Often wondered if a longer day

Would allow more work or even more fun

It is nice if the weather cooperates

Creating the possibility of a well lit morning walk

Nonetheless it does seem as if extra effort is required

To squeeze just a little bit more

Alas the template of a day that begins at 4:30

Will return a body to that same position

At 8:30 PM

Making for a regular day

If the blinds are pulled

Trying to fool Mother Nature!

As the eyes slowly close and

Put an end to the Longest Day

FXC 6/23/19


Just Can’t

You would think

That tears would dry up

When understanding

You had to go

And yet

My heart is still entwined

With your smile

Your voice

Your sweetly wrinkled face

I know too well

This had to be

That the gift of you

Would be unwrapped

On your final day

Mostly through wet eyes

Gratitude flows

And happiness

That your beautiful

Beautiful journey

Begins another

And yes, yes

I will always love you

Mary Becker!

FXC 6/17/19


You tipped the scales

Wandered into the splash park at the zoo

Grandchild in toe

Or maybe it was the reverse

Beautiful summer like day

When my name was vigorously called

And then called again

My eyes quickly located you

You who I immediately recognized

Despite not haven seen you in 27 years

Hugs yes more than one

Golly you bring back such joy and happiness

You were always like that

A flat out good person

Caring for others

Thinking of others first

My vision of what a human should be

There are those who think only of themselves

Disregard others

You define the good in life

Thank the Lord for you

FXC 6/7/19
