Monday, Monday

Hmmm! So confused, I am so confused
56 years! I have known you for fifty six years
But I have not seen you for fifty years
Surely you have been close enough to touch
In that time
A phone call, surely a phone call
Would have reached you
Sometimes I would see your name
On Facebook
Or another friend would mention your name
And yet I did not reach out
Hard to explain then
This need I have to learn about you
To make sure you are okay
To hear about your life
During the last 50 years
Too difficult
To recapture 50 years
So sad I have not reached out
But you did
And I love you so much more
That you have brought be back
Another unfinished chapter
In my life
Can continue to be written
Regrets of course
But regrets have no value
So I timidly begin
The journey of
Rediscovering you
Oh Lord, I am so grateful
For this chance.

FXC 3/4/17