Such A Short Time

Such A Short Time

This time we’ve had
I thought it would be for much longer
Visions of long conversations
Lingering touches
We’ve certainly known passion
But the sweetness of this time
I have always craved this time alone with
I knew we could not last like this
The flame so bright, so hot
But oh, how I basked in your warmth
Needed to just wander down memory lane
Remembering our youth
The joys, the sorrows
I thought this time would last so long
So many conversations we had but
I wanted more, more of you
This moment you needed
To heal
But as a butterfly
Emerging from her chrysalis
You came forth
And almost in mid thought
I could see your mind racing
To another
To a grandchild unseen for too long
To a dress that just needs to be finished
To a church calling to help save souls
To a yard yearning to be molded
I’ve always known you were mine to share
I’ve reveled in your beauty, your joy,
Your seeming endless energy for life
For giving of yourself
I accept that I have been selfish
That I wanted you all to myself
I’ve known, I really have
That it is only in letting you be free
To love
That your rainbow
Colors my world
This time alone with you
Had to be finite
Butterflies need to fly away
I know that now
Bittersweet this moment
I love you!

FXC 11/14/15